Preparing for Otta/Vinstra exploration well using digital twin
MOL is preparing for upcoming exploration, by drilling well
3/7-11 S Otta/Vinstra (in PL 539) in wellSim using digital twin prior to
Rowan Viking is contracted for the well, located in the
southern part of the North Sea, close to the Harald Vest field on the Danish
side, and 45 km east of the Valhall- and Ekofisk fields. MOL plan to drill the main bore for Vinstra,
followed by a sidetrack to shallower formation Otta.
MOL owns 80% of the field, and Lundin 20%. Drilling is planned to start April 1st.

eDrilling is a world leading supplier of AI, machine learning, and predictive analytics solutions to the oil and gas industry. We work closely with E&P companies, operators, and service companies to help them save cost, improve safety, and increase efficiency of drilling operations.
Our mission is to help energy professionals at E&P companies, operators and service companies reach their goals by providing drilling and well performance solutions needed to better plan, prepare for, perform and evaluate drilling operations.
Our vision dates back to the late 1980s, when we wanted to create a downhole GPS, or Google Maps if you like, for drilling operations. Convinced artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies would represent a quantum leap in well construction, we set forth what has become a paradigm shift in the oil and gas industry. For over 25 years, leading E&P companies, service companies, and drilling contractors, have leveraged the power of these technologies to improve drilling performance, onshore and offshore, deep water and shallow water, complex wells and factory drilling. Globally.
Hazard prevention
Prior to operations, eDrilling provides you with software to
acquire skills and experience on you specific upcoming well, focusing on risk
avoidance and handling. During operations, eDrilling software at a very early
stage detects anomalies, crews are provided diagnostics messages and
notifications in good time to make the necessary adjustments.
Performance optimization
Our software provides forecasting, forward-looking and
what-if analysis, allowing for change in parameters for optimal drilling
(drilling the perfect well).
NPT avoidance
As above, eDrilling uses aritifical intelligence and
predictive analytics to foresee what will happen with your well. Software
provides diagnostics and first actions to the crew (or directly to the control
system), in order to change the drilling plan – to avoid problems
Drilling Plan Optimization
Using dynamic simulations to provide accurate modelling, our
wellPlanner addresses the industry’s need to improve safety margins and reduce
and rid themselves of risk, as well as the need to drastically reduce well
planning time.
Automated Monitoring and Real Time Optimization
wəllAhead is eDrilling’s software solution for automated
monitoring, real-time optimization, and live well support. It is designed for
use on rig, in Real Time Decision Support Centers, and for any other individual
or teams supporting live drilling operations. It is also the foundation of any viable
rig-side automation
Automated Drilling Control
Utilizing the same artificial intelligence and machine
learning technologies in wellAhead, integrated with the rig’s Drilling Control
System, our automated drilling control software will help keeping the
operational parameters according to well limits. Enabling drillers to increase
safety and optimize the performance of drilling operations.
Dynamic Well Control
wellWCA is our solution for dynamic well control engineering
for planning and operations. It helps you minimize downtime and make the right
decisions, by providing design and implementation of a safe and effective well
control operation.
Drill Well in Simulator
wellSim is the software product family for engineering and
training of all well engineering disciplines. By improving insight and
understanding of dynamic well behavior, it has the potential to change the ways
Managed Pressure Drilling
Our wellBalance improves any MPD control system to better
keep a constant bottom hole pressure during MPD-operations and perform planning
with an offline model. wellBalance provides real-time set points to the MPD
control system, based on dynamic real-time simulation, calibrated against
downhole measurements. It is complemented with an offline simulation tool,
wellBalance Offline, to use in engineering and planning of the MPD
operation.ou plan and drill your complex wells.
Digital Twin
A Digital Twin is the digital representation of your actual
well. Used in preparation it enables you to pre-drill your well. Used in
real-time operation it enables you to do forward simulations and what-if
simulations to detect mismatch and give input to change the drilling plan – to
avoid problems, see and detect operational mismatches, and change parameters
for optimal drilling (drilling the perfect well).
The post Preparing for Otta/Vinstra exploration well using digital twin appeared first on Digital Twin.